Lama Zangmo
to 23 Feb

Lama Zangmo

  • Kagyu Samye Dzong Cape Town (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Taming the Wild Monkey Mind

Friday 21 February @ 7pm


Donation: members R80; non-members R120


An untamed mind is compared to a wild elephant being led by a crazy, wild monkey of distraction. The untamed mind can do a lot of damage, as we can easily observe in daily life.

Lama Zangmo will talk about the benefits and the common difficulties encountered in meditation, and how to deal with them.  

Sometimes being reminded of small things can make a big difference and help us to see the bigger picture and put things into perspective. For that reason, it is helpful to be reminded and to gain more understanding of how to train the mind.


The Buddhist Approach to Living and Dying

Saturday 22 Feb 10am to 4.30pm

Sunday 23 February 10am to 12.30pm



Saturday: members R220; non-members R260

Sunday   : members R130; non-members R170


If we are truly aware of impermanence, we will become aware of the preciousness of each moment we are alive, and we try to make the most of it. 


Lama Zangmo will look at the Buddhist approach to impermanence, death and dying

and how that approach affects the way we live our life. Reflecting on this topic gives us skills to make our life meaningful and fruitful.  We will cover topics such as the importance of a supportive environment during our life and at the time of death; the importance of maintaining the right state of mind during our lifetime, and at the time of death and more. If time allows there will also be a guided meditation on impermanence.


There will be plenty of time allocated for questions and answers. Suitable for anyone who is interested in becoming more familiar with this topic.


To book and for more information:


Package deal paid up by 10 February 2025

members R380 & non-members R490


Don’t miss this opportunity! Contact the office if you are not able to attend due to lack of funds.


Lama Gelongma Zangmo first became a practising Buddhist when she arrived at Kagyu Samye Ling in 1977 and took refuge with His Holiness the 16th Karmapa. Over the following years, she entered three long retreats, having been ordained as a Buddhist nun, and becoming the resident retreat teacher in the final years.

Choje Akong Tulku Rinpoche and Lama Yeshe Losal Rinpoche then asked Lama Zangmo to help run Kagyu Samye Dzong London, which has flourished under her guidance since then.

In 1998 Lama Zangmo accompanied Lama Yeshe Losal Rinpoche to India, where she became fully ordained as a Gelongma (Bhikkuni) at a historic ceremony in Bodhgaya, also becoming the first person in the UK to be honoured with the title of Lama in 2001.

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Lama Zangpo
to 2 Feb

Lama Zangpo

  • Kagyu Samye Dzong Cape Town (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sitting within silence

Friday 31 January @ 7pm


Donation: members R80; non-members R120

An overview of the method of calm abiding and insight meditation coupled with practical practice instruction.

"Many's the person who's missed the opportunity to say nothing... and lost much because of it."


Training in having a kind heart

Saturday 1 Feb 9.30 am to 4 pm

Sunday 2 Feb 9.30 am to 12.30 pm



Saturday: members R220; non-members R260

Sunday   : members R130; non-members R170


A brief look at the history and methods taught in the Seven Points of Mind Training allowing time for practice and questions.

"What we humans need most is compassion, for ourselves and for others. We need to learn to accept ourselves and others without judgement, without preference."

Akong Rinpoche


Package deal paid up by 20 January 2025

members R380 & non-members R490


Don’t miss this opportunity! Contact the office if you are not able to attend due to lack of funds.


Lama Zangpo first met Lama Yeshe Rinpoche at Kagyu Samye Dzong Johannesburg in 1996 where he was a resident volunteer. Shortly thereafter he moved to Holy Isle where he took his first ordination, and later to Arran where he spent some years, first helping to build, and then staying in the men’s retreat. Following this he attained the opportunity to move to the Thrangu Sekhar Retreat in Nepal where he pursued study and practice under the guidance of Drupon Rinpoche.

Returning from Nepal in early 2021 he spent time at Samye Ling in Scotland, and then in South Africa before returning to live on Holy Isle towards the end of 2022. Here he took on the role of overseeing projects and associated retreats. In 2024 Lama Zangpo was asked to spend time in the DRC, assisting and supporting the Buddhist communities there.

Since returning to Scotland he has moved to the Glasgow Samye in order to help support and grow the community there.

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Tara Rokpa Therapy with Claudia Wellnitz
to 2 Mar

Tara Rokpa Therapy with Claudia Wellnitz

  • Kagyu Samye Dzong Cape Town (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Wed 28 Feb & Fri to Sun 1-3 March

General introduction
Wednesday 28 February 7pm - 8.30 pm
Cost: R80

This is a general talk about the Tara Rokpa Therapy process which is open to everyone. Wear comfortable clothes as we will be guided through one of the healing relaxations given to us by
Dr. Akong Tulku Rinpoche.

Introduction to “Back to Beginnings
Friday 1 March @ 4pm to 9pm

With a short supper break
Cost R180

This workshop is essential for anyone wanting to get involved in the ‘Back to Beginnings' process.  

The 'Back to Beginnings’ part of the process involves a two-year commitment to writing one’s life story in a particular way, followed by a choice of a birthing retreat. Exercises are given to help one understand patterns and develop compassion for oneself and others. The journey is not about sharing personal stories but is rather an individual one.

Workshop – “Clarifying Blame”
Saturday 2 March 9.30am - 4pm
With Bring & Share vegetarian lunch
Sunday 3 March 9.30am - 3pm
With Bring & Share vegetarian lunch

Cost R360

This is open to those who have done the Introductory workshop. The exercise that we will explore is an essential one for use during the writing phase of ‘Back to Beginnings’.
For bookings or more information contact Zan Louw ( or
Pam Bishop (

Please note that concessions are always made upon request.

Claudia Wellnitz, currently lives in Italy, met Dr. Akong Tulku Rinpoche in 1991 and soon began doing Tara Rokpa Therapy. She studied for five years to become a therapist and since 2001 has held workshops in Germany, Finland, England, Belgium, and Zimbabwe. Claudia has received teachings from eminent lamas including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Kalu Rinpoche and Dilgo Kyentse Rinpoche. She has studied the philosophy of Buddhism, done long retreats, and has published and translated Buddhist books.

Tara Rokpa Therapy was developed by Dr. Alkong Tulku Rinpoche, a Tibetan Lama and physician, in response to the suffering he saw Westerners faced due to the difficulties they had with their pasts. He closely guided a group of therapists, and he also drew from ancient Tibetan medicine to develop the therapy which includes healing relaxations, free expressive painting and intuitive, compassionate massage to oneself or others. There is no need to participate in any activities that may make you feel uncomfortable.

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Donal Creedon
to 5 Dec

Donal Creedon

This will be a gathering of friends, with talk on practice of the path, and a homoeopathic dose of meditation.
To quote the Bard: “Let your joint sorrow be as a balm to heal these wounds of adverse fortune’’ William Shakespeare

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10:00 am10:00


Come and celebrate the Bardo Group's 20th ANNIVERSARY!

Join us and our friends from the Cape Town Interfaith Initiative for an interactive morning: Earth to Earth ~ an intercultural exploration of death and dying, and doing less harm
With Khoi / San and Nichiren Buddhist guest speakers, meditation, music, and chanting.
There is NO COST and NO BOOKING for this event.

Registration will start at 9am.

Program will start promptly at 10am, and end at 1pm.

  • The Kagyu Samye Dzong shop will be open.

  • The Hare Krishna Kitchen will host a pop-up restaurant (cash or card) from 1pm for those who'd like to stay and mingle.

  • A special full moon Chenrezig practice dedicated to the departed will start at 2pm (all welcome).

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24 Hr Prayer vigil for Rob Nairn
to 1 Oct

24 Hr Prayer vigil for Rob Nairn

  • Kagyu Samye Dzong Cape Town (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dear Friends

We will be holding a 24 hour prayer vigil for Rob Nairn from tonight Sat 30 Sept at 6pm to Sunday 6pm at the centre in Morgenrood road, all are welcome to attend for an hour or more.

If you are unable to attend, you can join the prayer vigil from home, we will be reciting the chenrezig mantra Om Mani Peme Hung. Or simply think of Rob with kindness and love.

When you join the link please keep your audio and video muted.

This link will enable connection to viewing and hearing the 24 hour vigil prayers.

Meeting ID: 974 6925 2153

Passcode: 343358

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Weekend of Teaching with visiting monk Karma Zangpo
to 23 Jul

Weekend of Teaching with visiting monk Karma Zangpo

  • Kagyu Samye Dzong Cape Town (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Zangpo will lead us over the weekend, teaching on Friday evening, Saturday morning and afternoon, and Sunday morning. He will look at Compassion in our daily lives, and at how Chenrezig practice can form a basis or support for this.

 Zangpo first met Lama Yeshe Rinpoche in Kagyu Samye Dzong Johannesburg in the early 1990s when he was a resident volunteer, helping with building repairs and construction. He has a strong connection to the Holy Isle, having lived and worked here for many years in the '90s before moving across to Arran, where he spent eight years in retreat at the Men's Retreat. Zangpo was then sent by Samye Ling to Sekar Retreat in Nepal for a further six years, to practice and study under Drupon Rinpoche.

Friday 21 July 7pm to 8.30pm
Saturday 22 July  10.00am to 4pm             
Optional:   Green Tara 8.30am to 9.30am
                   Chenrezig 7pm to 7.45pm

 Sunday 23 July  10am to 12.30pm
Optional:    Green Tara 8.30am to 9.30am
Friday: Members: R40; Non-members R60
Saturday: Members: R120; Non-members R140
Sunday: Members: R80; Non-members R100
Weekend package: Members: R200; Non-members R260

To book email Charlotte at

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Karma – Ken Holmes
to 3 Oct

Karma – Ken Holmes

This first talk explores the Buddhist understanding of why life happens to each person in the way it does and how the way we deal with our karma is all-important, for both the present moment and the long-term future. Ken will concentrate on the overview and a deeper understanding of being embodied in this world rather than lists and details of karma that can be found in books.

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From Mindfulness to Insight – Rob Nairn
to 6 Sept

From Mindfulness to Insight – Rob Nairn

Mindfulness is the fundamental component of all forms of mind-training, and can be mastered by anyone who is prepared to put in a little effort. Rob Nairn is one of the pioneers in presenting meditation training in a way that is accessible to the Western mind. The Dalai Lama asked him to teach meditation over fifty years ago.

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The Heart Sutra - Video Conference The 12th Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa
4:00 pm16:00

The Heart Sutra - Video Conference The 12th Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa

Teaching Subject: The Heart Sutra
Dates: 28th and 29th September 2019
Time: 09:00 – 14:30

Venue: Cape Town Kagyu Samye Dzong, 6 Morgenrood Road, Kenilworth.

Cost: R300 for both days (Attendance for full transmission necessary)

Space is limited so please RSVP to Penny at

Please bring vegetarian meal to share.

At the request of students in Europe and Africa the 12th Champion Kenting Tai Situpa will be bestowing the Heart Sutra teachings through video conference at the end of September.  The teaching will be transmitted by two-way videoconference instead of one-way live-streaming and so only available at a limited number of dharma centres.

We are delighted to be one of about 20 centres in Europe and Africa to host this video conference.

About the present 12th Kenting Tai Situpa

The present twelfth Kenting Tai Situpa, Pema Donyo Nyingche Wangpo, was born in the male wood-horse year (1954) in the Palyul District of Derge to a family of farmers. He was found and recognized by H.H the sixteenth Karmapa Rigpe Dorje. (Please click here to browse his detailed biography and pictures.)

The present twelfth Kenting Tai Situpa is a renowned Buddhist master. He is the main Guru of H.H. the 17th Karmapa, Orgyen Trinlay Dorje in Mahamudra and training in turn the next generation of Buddhist masters. On a more personal level the present twelfth Kenting Tai Situpa is a scholar, poet, calligrapher, artist, author, architect and geomancer.

As a Buddhist teacher, he regularly tours the world giving teachings and empowerments at the request of the Dharma centers. These teachings are collected and published to nine books till now.

Kenting Tai Situpa's paintings are collected and published to four books till now. They are: Matition Art, Creativity: Magnification Images Will Be Born, Awakening: Meditation Art of the 12th Tai Situpa, Relative World, Ultimate Mind: The Art of the 12th Tai Situpa.
And, a collective book of Kenting Tai Situpa's photographs, Eye of the Eye, was published in 2000 in Taiwan.

Most of these art works and Kenting Tai Situpa's calligraphies were assembled to the book "Collection of the Creative Art Works of Xii Tai Situpa" in 2004 in Taiwan. Most of the paintings, photographs and calligraphies in this web site are scanned from this book.

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Letting Go! Workshop with Luke Younge
10:00 am10:00

Letting Go! Workshop with Luke Younge

A day workshop with Luke Younge
Saturday 17 Aug 10 am to 4 pm

“When you understand the nature of impermanence, you understand the genuine dharma.” — Nagarjurna

It is taught that it is our clinging to things as being real that is the source of suffering and that the view and realisation of emptiness frees us. In this workshop we continue our exploration of emptiness with a blend of theory and practice. There will be opportunities for silent reflection, dialogue and learning.

This time we will continue to use traditional Buddhist reasonings for emptiness and also bring in ideas from biology and philosophy to help ground it in something more familiar.

A basic familiarity with Buddhist ideas is preferable but not essential. Readings will be from Ponlop Rinpoche’s Nalandabodhi curriculum.

Please bring something for lunch to share.

Cost: Members R100, non-members R130
To book please email

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Beauties and the Beast: Our wild bees are in peril!
9:30 am09:30

Beauties and the Beast: Our wild bees are in peril!

Photo Credit: Ujubee

Join conservationist & wild bee researcher Jenny Cullinan of Ujubee as she shares her passion for these amazing winged creatures...

Jenny’s talk will open our eyes to the amazing world of wild bees and also highlight the current threats to their wild existence. What would happen if we lost the wild bees? How we can all make a difference in stemming this loss.

Join fellow Eco-Sattvas in this important talk and fall in love with bees!

Saturday 20 July, Kagyu Buddhist Centre, 6 Morgenrood Road, Kenilworth

Join us at 9h30am for tea & coffee, talk with start promptly at 10h00am.

Minimum donation of R60 to Ujubee please! Ujubee is a self-funded research team – your donation keeps them in the field!

Please RSVP to or 021 7612978

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Tara Rokpa Therapist Trish Swift - Introduction to Back to Beginnings
to 23 Jun

Tara Rokpa Therapist Trish Swift - Introduction to Back to Beginnings

The second phase of Tara Rokpa Therapy

Sat 22 June 9.30am - 4pm . Bring lunch to share
Sun 23 June 9.30am - 12.30pm followed by bring and share lunch and private interviews.
When Dr. Akong Tulku Rinpoche came from Tibet and found how the Western mind struggled with meditation he guided Edie Irwin into formulating a process now known as Tara Rokpa Therapy. This has involved years and years of hard work and dedication on her part and on those of the other therapists. We are very fortunate that Akong Rinpoche brought Tibetan Buddhism along with this therapy to Africa and it is sad that so few people here realise just what is being offered and don’t venture forth to explore this path which has been designed by him to help us develop self-awareness and compassion. There is no need to be a Buddhist to participate and there is, in fact, no criteria whatsoever.
Things are looking up - Pam Bishop, Zan Louw and Marybelle Donald are now facilitating a warm- hearted, committed group who are meeting every Saturday for Healing Relaxation sessions. Rinpoche felt that for self-exploration to occur in a beneficial way one first had to learn how to relax. These sessions involve visualisations using Edie Irwin’s recordings, simple exercises which help with interpersonal connection and compassionate massage which can be done to the self or in partners.
Back to Beginnings is a 2 year process which requires effort, determination and courage. One continues with the healing visualisations and begins writing one’s life story from the present backwards, then forwards and then backwards again finishing with an optional birthing retreat. There are various exercises given to help deal with the difficulties that arise while doing the writing. A large part of the program involves free painting and in fact one’s life story can be recorded in this way if preferred. Massage continues to play a very important part as it deepens compassion and healing. The group meets twice a month and provides a firm supportive structure for its participants but the journey itself is a very personal one. Trained Rokpa therapists visit 2 or 3 times a year to hold workshops and give private interviews. They are also contactable by phone should the need arise for their input. 
Cost: The workshop is R160 per day and private interviews a suggested donation of R100 plus. Please do not allow financial constraints to stop you from participating. Whatever you are able to offer is acceptable.

To book or for more information please contact Zan Louw on or 082 783 8399.

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Green Tara Talk, Ngondro Instruction & Farewell Dinner
6:30 am06:30

Green Tara Talk, Ngondro Instruction & Farewell Dinner

Hosted by the Facilitators

Green Tara @ 6.30am followed by a walk before breakfast

10am Ngondro Talk/ Practice Instruction

Cost: Public R100, Members R80

Please bring something vegetarian to share for lunch

2 pm Green Tara Talk - all are welcome

Cost: Public R100, Members R80

6pm Farewell Bring & Share Dinner and Slide Show on Samye Ling

Please bring something vegetarian to share for dinner

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Living Joyfully weekend course day 2
10:00 am10:00

Living Joyfully weekend course day 2

Day hosted by Eco-sattvas

Green Tara @ 6.30am followed by a walk before breakfast

Retreat (Day 2) @ 10am - 3pm Teachings and Meditation with Lama Katen & Ani Lhamo.

Please bring something vegetarian to share for lunch

Charge for Sat & Sun Retreat: Public R480, Members R380

Community Forum with Lama Yeshe Rinpoche @3:30pm - this is an open invitation to all those connected to the centre to join in this discussion with our Abbot.

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